- Movimiento rectilíneo uniforme.
- Movimiento rectilíneo uniformemente variado.
- Leyes de Newton y sus aplicaciones.
- Ley de Coulomb.
- Circuito eléctrico y sus componentes.
- Resistencia eléctrica a partir de la resistividad del material o le ley de Ohm.
- Trabajo y conservación de la energía.
- Fuentes de energía renovable y no renovable.
- Calor absorbido y calor cedido.
- Teorías y modelos atómicos.
- Configuración electrónica.
- Ley de Octeto.
- Tipos de enlaces químicos y propiedades de las sustancias formadas por cada tipo de enlace.
- Tabla periódica: características, estructura y funcionalidad
- Tipos de fórmulas químicas y números de oxidación.
- Nomenclatura de óxidos metálicos y no metálicos.
- Nomenclatura de hidruros metálicos y no metálicos.
- Nomenclatura de ácidos oxácidos e hidróxidos.
- Tipos de reacciones químicas.
- Igualación de ecuaciones químicas mediante el método de simple inspección o tanteo.
- Tipo de Funciones y sus diferentes gráficas
- Desplazamientos verticales u horizontales de una función de variable real.
- Interpretación del gráfico de una función de variable real.
- Asíntotas de una función de variable real y sus desplazamientos.
- Ecuación de la recta y gráfica de una ecuación de la recta mediante dos puntos.
- Pendiente de una recta.
- Tipos de ecuaciones de la recta.
- Ecuación paramétrica de la recta.
- Formas diversas de obtener la pendiente de una recta.
- Vectores en el espacio.
- Coordenadas geográficas, polares y rectangulares de un vector.
- Suma de vectores por el método gráfico.
- Suma de vectores por el método del paralelogramo.
- Suma de vectores por el método de las coordenadas rectangulares.
- Dominio de los diversos casos de factorización.
- Regla de Ruffini aplicada al factoreo.
- Ecuaciones e inecuaciones lineales
- Resolución de límites.
- Limites bidireccionales.
- Limites indeterminados
- Resolución de limites indeterminados
- Definición geométrica de la derivada.
- Derivada usando la regla del incremento.
- Formulas básicas de derivación de funciones polinómicas y resolución de ejercicios.
- Conceptos básicos de la estadística sobre medidas de tendencia central: Media, mediana y moda.
- Construcción de tabla de frecuencias para datos no agrupados y agrupados.
- Construcción de gráficos estadísticos diversos.
- Ejercicios de aplicación sobre medidas de tendencia central y el uso de tablas de frecuencias.
- Tema 1: Bioelementos y Biomoléculas
- Tema 2: Metabolismo y energía
- Tema 3: Glucólisis y Respiración celular
- Tema 4: Fotosíntesis
- Tema 5: Teorías de la evolución
- Tema 6: Organización celular
- Tema 7: Clasificación de los organismos
- Tema 1
- Listening (To assess ability to understand the gist of short spoken utterances)
- Dictation (To assess ability to understand a short utterance by transcribing a spoken text
- Listening & Writing (To assess ability to extract specific information from spoken texts. )
- Tema 2
Reading; B2 CEFR
Reading Comprehension (To assess ability to understand the purpose, structure and main idea of short written texts)
Reading Open-ended question (To assess ability to understand the main points of short written texts)
Reading Text, note completion (To assess ability to extract specific information from a written text)
- Tema 3
Speaking: B2 CEFR
Speaking; Sustained monologue (To assess ability to speak continuously about matters of personal information and interest)
Speaking: Describe picture (To assess ability to speak continuously about two related pictures and interpret some aspect of them)
Speaking: Discussion (To assess ability to discuss a concrete or abstract issue)
Tema 4
Writing: B2 CEFR
Writing: Write correspondence (To assess ability to write a piece of correspondence 90–120 words)
Writing: Write text (To assess ability to write a short text from own experience, knowledge or imagination 150–200 words)
- Tema 5
Themes and specific notions (Vocabulary)
- The personal domain /personal identification
Adult learners CAN state and write down (e.g. in application and registration forms, or in personal notes): their name, address, telephone number and e-mail address, nationality, where they are from, what they do for a living, their family, personal relations, likes and dislikes, personal possessions
- House, home and environment
Learners CAN refer to the home, its rooms, furnishings, equipment, services, amenities, and to the main features of the environment, its landscape, climate and weather, flora and fauna. They CAN understand and elicit similar information from other people.
- Daily life
Learners CAN speak about the main features of their daily routines at home and elicit and understand similar information from other people. They can talk about the major seasonal and religious festivals.
- Free time, entertainment
Learners CAN say when they are free and what they do in their spare time. They can elicit and understand information on these topics from other people.
- Relations with other people
Learners CAN refer to and establish personal relations, participate in social life and deal with correspondence. They CAN understand simple information, e.g. on dates, names, places, addresses wishes, etc. on postcards, greetings cards, invitations, etc.
- Public entertainment: cinema, theatre, spectator sports
Adult and teenage learners CAN take part in public entertainment events, finding out what is on offer, booking and buying tickets, buying programs, finding their seats, etc. They CAN discuss them later. They CAN recognize relevant information in written texts, such as on posters and in programs.
- Travel
Adult and teenage learners CAN refer to places, speak about and use travel facilities, such as means of public and private transport, tourist accommodation, luggage and documents. They CAN elicit and understand such information from other people. They CAN give and receive simple directions, written and spoken, as to how to get to places. They CAN gather relevant information from written texts, such as timetables, roadside signs and notices.
- Health and body care
All learners CAN refer to matters of personal well-being, personal hygiene and health. They CAN describe symptoms in simple terms to a doctor or dentist. Adult learners CAN elicit and understand similar information from other people. They CAN report accidents
and use medical services and understand simple information and instructions given by a doctor or nurse, using repair strategies as needed. They CAN read and understand simple written instructions such as those on medicine bottles, tablets, etc.
- Shopping
Learners CAN refer to and use shopping facilities, refer to and purchase goods, such as foodstuffs, clothes and souvenirs, using repair procedures as needed, and elicit and understand information from others on these matters. They CAN understand store guides (e.g. Information on where to find goods, lifts, toilets, etc.). They CAN gather simple information from the labelling of goods (name, price, contents, sell- & use-by dates, instructions for cooking, cleaning, etc).
- Food and drink
Learners CAN refer to, buy and order various kinds of food and drink and can elicit and understand information from other people
on these matters.
- Services
Adult learners CAN refer to and use postal, banking, garage, medical, security and emergency services. They CAN elicit and understand information from others on these matters. They CAN read and understand the basic information and instructions on public signs, notices, leaflets and brochures relating to these services. Younger learners CAN name buildings, jobs and workers in the service area. In post offices, clinics and in contact with police officers, they CAN make simple requests and ask, understand and answer questions relevant to their needs, if given help.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]